The messaging platform Telegram processed 900 user data requests from the United States in 2024, with a significant portion submitted after CEO Pavel Durov’s...
Telegram has evolved beyond a mere instant messaging application. Its capacity to incorporate cryptocurrency services and applications has transformed the platform into a fertile...
The Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office has released a statement outlining the formal charges against Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram. This judicial investigation commenced...
Hackers took advantage of the account’s proxy architecture for upgradability to gain access to Telegram’s Maestro bot account and steal $500,000 in Ether. What...
In slightly less than one month, Telegram has sold $50 million usernames on The Open Network, a blockchain that the company developed, Telegram founder...
The founder and CEO of multi-platform messaging service Telegram is proposing a blockchain-based marketplace for usernames and addresses used on the messaging app. Pavel...