No mere virtual land platform, Versity is building an ‘immersive mirror of the real world’ to streamline the world of bricks-and-mortar real estate. The...
Like a line of rappers before him, Arabian Prince, a founding member of the groundbreaking group N.W.A., is wading into the virtual-reality world — only this...
The crypto and blockchain sectors are steadily evolving/adapting and you probably remember all the phases of fundraising that the industry has gone through. There...
Two crypto scam-related lawsuits stack up on top of Meta’s (Facebook’s new name) large pile. The allegations and the company’s reactions serve well to...
Doggedly, Shiba Inu is actively following the most unpredictable stirs in the crypto industry as it presents ‘Shiba Lands’, its Metaverse foray with new...
The metaverse offers endless opportunities to businesses and individuals, and some media reports even indicate that the metaverse will be a one trillion dollar...